Hiyah, mortals! I'm Jacob, 16-year-old artist and storyteller of sorts who REALLY wants to work in the animation industry one day. The site you see before you is every odd, awesome and in-between thing in my imagination, and I want to share it with you. Go ahead! Grab the snack food of your choosing, sit down and dive into the JC-Verse! Here's hoping you like it.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
#30: Darth Tater
Okay, here's my new character: Darth Tater. Darth Tater is the evil vegetable villain ruling the galaxy. Although, he wasn't always the sinister spud he is now. Long ago, he was young jedi, Anakin Piewalker, Fighting along with Obi-Wan Cakenobi in the Calzone Wars. But eventually, he was seduced by the dark side of the forks and became Emperor Pulpatine's apprentice. After Obi-Wan defeated him on the volcanic salsa world of Saucetifar, Pulpatine put him in a robo-tato suit to save him. Now he rules all with armies of corntroopers at his side.
#28 & #29: Han Fro-Yo and Chocobacca
Here's my next two: Han Fro-Yo and Chocobacca. Han is a smuggler and yogurt space-pirate from the ever-so-edible galaxy far, far away. He may be reckless at times, but he turns out to be a natural born leader when he meets Luke and joins the Rebelliyum. By his side is the king-sized wookiee bar, Chocobacca. With his mighty roar, he scares away corntroopers willy-nilly. He may sound like one mean monster, but he's like all chocolate bars: Hard and crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside. Together, they fly through space in the Millennium Scallion, fighting the spudpire with Luke and spreading yummy aromas everywhere they go.
#28: Jabba The Pizza-Hutt
Here's my new drawing: Jabba the Pizza-Hutt, another installment of the "Food Wars" series. In the Food Wars universe, crime all centers on one pepperoni-clad criminal: this guy. With creepy little creature,Salacious Crumbcake, at his side, he resides in his giant pizza box palace on Saltooine, running his criminal affairs without even moving his cheesy, sluggish body. (P.S. this idea was given to me by my 10- year-old sister. She wants to have a cool nickname like Mr. Mysterio and the Retaliator. So, thank you, "Mustache Ninja," for your blog contribution.)
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
#27: Boba Feta
Okay, here's a new character: Boba Feta, another character in the ongoing "Food Wars" saga! Boba Feta is a bounty-hunting dairy product feared by all. Back in the Calzone Wars, skilled jedi, Ice Creamdu, forked Boba's father, Jango Feta, in the battle of Geonosnack. Now, he's out for revenge on all jedi. Boba was the toughest cheese in the galaxy... at least until he got eaten up by the Sarlacc Disposal.
#25 & #26: C-3PEANUT & R2-PEA2
Sorry I skipped a while. Over the weekend, Dad and I watched "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure." The '80s was a strange time, kids. Anyway, here's my new character (well, characters) : R2-PEA2 and C-3PEANUT. This delicious droid duo escaped Darth Tater's ship in a lunch box escape pod and ended up in the hands of Luke Piewalker on the sodium desert planet of Saltooine. Now, they are his loyal snack sidekicks, accompanying him on his greatest quests fighting the sinister spud and his corn-troopers. (Boba Feta coming up next. Boom!)
Thursday, December 5, 2013
#24: Master Soda
Here's my new character: Master Soda, "Food Wars'' character #3! While crashed in the carbonated swamps of Daggoyum with R2-PEA 2, Luke Piewalker met the fizzy jedi master, Soda. He taught Luke how to do things like levitate stuff and do the trick with the mints in the soda bottle. You know, real wise stuff. Thanks to him, Luke is now much wiser- and can blow up things with a mere couple mints. (Soon to come: C-3PEANUT and R2-PEA 2!)
#23: Obi-Wan Cakenobi
Okay, here's a new drawing: Obi-Wan Cakenobi, the second installment in my new "Food Wars" series! He is a skillful jedi master armed with a forksaber & delicious vanilla icing. During the Calzone Wars, (hilarious spoof name of the Clone Wars) he fought bravely with Anakin Piewalker (now the evil Darth Tater). Obi-Wan may have gotten fatally forked, but his tasty spirit lives on. May the forks be with you!
Friday, November 22, 2013
#22: Donn
OK, here's a new character: Donn. He's a space-donkey. Ya, you heard me. You know how people tend to think all donkeys are stubborn? Well, he would like you to know that's a horrible stereotype. He's actually quite productive. Donn lives on Planet Muleeon with several other of his odd species. ( P.S. this character was actually given to me by one of my dear friends, the Retaliator. Her real name's Lydia, but she prefers the Retaliator. If you're reading this, Retaliator, I'm sorry I made it a dude. I didn't see the "a" after the Donn.)
#21: Popcornzilla
Here's my new character: Popcornzilla! You know all that popcorn that gets dropped on the movie theater floor? Well, all the bacteria on the carpet from millions of feet stepping on it mixes with the popcorn salt, a chemical reaction starts and BOOM! Popcorn monster all up in your grill! Watch out or it may EAT you! (Oh, the irony.)
Thursday, November 7, 2013
#20: Luke Piewalker
Here's my latest one: Luke Piewalker! He's a powerful-and delicious- jedi from a long, long time ago in a bakery far, far away. Trained by the wise master, Obi-Wan Cakenobi, he and his trusty forksaber travel the universe, fighting evil and dodging hungry siths trying to eat him! More "Food Wars" characters coming soon. (P.S. this character was also brought to you by the strange and entertaining mind of my nerd sidekick, "Mr. Mysterio.")
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
#19: The G-Series Genie
Okay, here's my new character: the G-Series Genie! You know what happens when you shake a bottle of G-Series Gatorade intensely? Most people think it explodes, but their wrong. A genie comes out! The genie grants you 3 wishes and then fizzes away. He's at your every command.. and he smells like lemon-lime!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
#18: Igneous
Here's a new drawing: Igneous. He's a little rock man who was created by a wicked witch a long time ago. She needed a new minion to help her with making potions and what not. So, she cast a spell on a pile of rocks and that became Igneous. But he was a nice rock guy and didn't want to work in the evil field. So he escaped and now he travels around, going on adventures. Do you know he's distant cousins with the rock that killed Goliath? Who knew?!
#17: Frankenfurter
Here's another character: Frankenfurter. This super scary sausage was constructed in a lab by a mad scientist/ ex-Wienerschnitzel employee. Now he roams around, often getting chased by hungry mobs with torches and dinner forks. It's ALIVE...with FLAVOR!
#16: Briefs-Man
First, I would like to say that Halloween was great and I'm now all ready to get into holiday season mode. Okay, here's my new character: Briefs-Man (Please ignore the BM on his costume, I really should have double-checked for alternate meanings). One day in Underpantopolis, random dude, Guy Mann, went to CLOTHESCO and bought a pack of underwear, not knowing that it was a 30 pack instead of a 3 pack. Guy had no idea what to do with all those extra undies.... until it HIT him! So, he did what any random dude in Underpantopolis would have done: Use them to fight crime. Now he's Briefs-Man, the boxer-clad crusader, fighting evil with his underpants arsenal, including boxerangs and underwhips. (By the way, my best friend, "Mr. Mysterio," gave me this idea. He originally had it as a guy who runs around, whipping random people with underpants. I obviously touched it up).
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
#15: FURever
Sorry I haven't posted in about a week, I was sick. There was barfing. Anyway, here's my new picture: FURever! They're a teenybopper boy band that really stands out ( mostly because it's members are all animals). There's T-Bear, the bear that stands in the back and says "word" at the end of the song; ChimpanZ, the party animal of the group (pun intended); Chip Heartbreak, the nut-eating heartthrob; and lastly, Pitch Purrfect, the chillin' feline who somehow managed to grow a goatee over his fur. Beloved by their devoted FURballs (boy band language for their fans), they travel around the states, pumping out wild beats (ANOTHER animal pun. I am on fire!)
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
#14: The Evil Eye
Everyone, here's my next character: The Evil Eye! He's an all-seeing super villain of immense power. He comes from the planet of Pupilon, a couple galaxies away. He can see the future, the past, the ANYTHING! No secret is safe from the Evil Eye! (P.S. the idea for this guy was given to me by my best friend and nerd sidekick. He would like me to call him Mr. Mysterio on this blog, because he doesn't want the internet to know his name.)
#13: Mustachius
Here's my new character: Mustachius! He's the great and powerful hairy guardian of the hill. If you want to pass, he will only let you if you give him mustache conditioner. (I know it's silly but it was all I could think of at the time.)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
#12: Mysterion
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" starts in a minute, so I'm gonna make this quick. This is Mysterion. He's a ninja warrior of incredible skill. NO one can get him. He's there, but at the same time, he isn't. With his blade of Hashaki, he smoke-bombs from here to there, fighting those who need to be fought. Move over, Miyagi!
Monday, October 21, 2013
#10: Ghoulman
OK, Halloween is only 10 days away. Sooo, in the spirit of things, I've decided to post this character: Ghoulman! You probably think all ghosts are scary and evil. Well, you've never met this one! Ghoulman's a zany party ghost who always loves to have fun! You know how sometimes in haunted places, pianos start playing themselves? Well that's Ghoulman goin' all DJ party mix on yo joint!!!
#9: The Hypoculian
OK, everyone. Here's my new character: the Hypoculian! (Bum, bum, BUM!) Name sounding familiar? That's because this is the evil ruler of the 3rd dimension, home of my previous characters, the Juppies. Any who, a long time ago, this frightening sci-fi dictator was Barren Winz, a soldier in the futuristic 3rd dimension army, the ULTRO. But one day, he got his hands on a secret mutation formula that involves injecting hypocules, the super-powered molecules that the Juppies are made of, into a person, making them almighty. Power-hungry, Barren used it on himself! Now he rules the 3rd dimension with an iron fist (even though he has no hands & is all one big face.)
Sunday, October 20, 2013
#8: Juppies
Ok, this is my final post today: the Juppies! These mischievous little blue fellows are alien creatures born for adventure, hailing from the 3rd dimension. They were once slaves there for their diabolical leader, the Hypoculian, but they escaped in a space ship and crash landed in OUR dimension! Now they're free, and going on zany misadventures all over the U.S.A . (Imagine if they met the Despicable Me minions. Hide your breakables!)
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#7: The Exterminator
Ok, here we go. Ladies and gentlemen, The Exterminator! (Make sure to pronounce it Arnold Schwarzenegger style or it's not as funny.) He's the toughest, scariest creature-killer in town! Once he sets his sights on a critter, he will NOT stop until he takes it down. Hasta la vista, Furry! (Make sure to watch out for him in the series premiere of my new YouTube cartoon show, "Zowie Cowy," coming sometime in 2014!) (NOTE: The Exterminator and all other Zowie Cowy characters and plot lines are property of Jacob Stephens.)
#6: Vapor
Ok, this is my latest character: Vapor. He's a Kung Fu oober-master that has mastered the seemingly impossible ability to dissolve into mist. In mist form, he can get through any small crack or crevice, no matter how small. You just can't keep him out! Watch out, evil, here comes Vapor!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
#5: The Wingman
Hey, guys. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long. Things have just gotten really busy with middle school and all. Anyway, here's my new character: the Wingman! He's a half-bird, half-man creature that inhabits the hills of California. People have claimed to spot him for decades but no one has been able to catch his on film due to his aerial quickness. (This character is actually based on something I thought I saw in the hills behind my house. True story.)
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
#4: The Chimp
#3 Porcu-Pete
Here's my next one; Porcu-Pete. He's a porcupine that got caught in a chemical accident. The chemicals altered his DNA, giving him super powers. Porcu-Pete has many abilities: he can walk on walls and ceilings, he can talk, and he can shoot out his quills at enemies from miles away! Porcu-Pete is the coolest -- and pointiest -- super hero the world has ever known!
Friday, January 18, 2013
#2: Speedo Light
Thursday, January 17, 2013
#1: PowerHouse
Okay, here's my first character: PowerHouse. PowerHouse is the last of an extra terrestrial ape-like species that once lived on the moon. How he ended up on Earth, you ask? Well, he stowed away on Apollo 13 and was brought to Earth. Beware of his razor-sharp teeth, sky-scraper-high super-jumps, mega-speed, and his robo-claw. He might as well be the greatest fighter on our planet! ( Kinda looks like Chewbacca on a bad day, huh? Hehe.)
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