Hiyah, mortals! I'm Jacob, 16-year-old artist and storyteller of sorts who REALLY wants to work in the animation industry one day. The site you see before you is every odd, awesome and in-between thing in my imagination, and I want to share it with you. Go ahead! Grab the snack food of your choosing, sit down and dive into the JC-Verse! Here's hoping you like it.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
#59: The Man
Okay, guys. What you are about to learn about U.N.D.E.R.O.O and the Jacob's Characterz universe will blow your figurative socks off. All you thought you knew is wrong. Anyway, here's my new drawing: The Man. (Read #58 again after this. It will make more sense.) Actually, he's not a man at all. He's a Glimmorrian Sna'rsle, to be exact. He was once locked up by U.N.D.E.R.O.O after trying to attack Earth. But I guess they didn't expect him to escape and take over the place from the inside. Now partnered in secret with head of U.N.D.E.R.O.O, Robert Spyser (A.K.A. Double-O-Kevin's dad. Whaaat?), he runs the whole agency without any agent knowing a thing. (Oooh, this is like our own Agents of Shield. All we need is evil Bill Paxton and we're good to go!)
Monday, April 28, 2014
Hey, guys. I need some advise. A while ago, I said I was gonna have my late dog, Ziggy, in my upcoming web cartoon, Zowie Cowy. Well, now that I'm writing the script, it's really hard to write about him without going on the brink of crying because I miss him so much. I could always put my new dog, Blue, in it instead, but would it be right to replace Ziggy like that? I would like some advise from my circle of commenting artists, like J.K. Riki. I could use some help as soon as possible, I have to continue production. Thanks everyone.
#58: Illumians
Hey everybody, here are my latest characters: Illumians, the psychedelic blob creatures of Illumia. These aquatic aliens live in Illumia, a jell-water metropolis only reachable through one Earthly portal - lava lamps. They once lived in harmony, until the U.S. Government, in partnership with U.N.D.E.R.O.O., began Project Doorway and opened up portals for inter-dimensional travel. That way they could conquer another world and use it as New Earth in case of an apocalypse. Protective of their world, the Illumians began protecting Illumia with groovy weapons galore, starting an interstellar uber-war with "The Man." (This whole thing is loosely based on a weird dream I had the other night. It was odd, but nothing will ever out-do the "Attack of The Killer Purple Monkey" dream. Don't ask.)
Saturday, April 26, 2014
#57: The Sealions
Hey, guys. Sorry it's been 3 days since I've posted. Actually, it's kinda because of my new characters: the Sealions. On the coast of California, there lives a group of talking sealions led by their fish-munching sealion leader, Sid. Mostly hailing from the mysterious and tropical Coconut Island, others from Malibu and the infamous New Jersey Shore, the Sealions have done everything. They've sailed the sea, gone to space, traveled through time and more. They're the most interesting sealions in the world! (Not to throw all you other sealions under the bus.) But why have they been keeping me from posting? Well, everything I just told you is from my book series, The Sealion, that I've been writing since 2010. I've been working on my fifth and final book in the series, The Sealion to the Rescue, which is going to the Young Authors' Fair on May 10th. If any of you are going, check it out if you have the time. I don't wanna give too much away, but #49: Onomatopoeia Man might have been needed behind-the-scenes.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
#56: BuildaZoid
It took up a lot of my "Agents of Shield" time to draw it, but here is my new character: BuildaZoid! ( No relation to builda-Zord. Sorry, Power Rangers fans.) Every kid loves to play with Legos. But, what no one knows is that each Lego piece has a secret component inside that no one knows about. So, if someone reads the ancient incantation (from the '70s), the nearest pile of Legos will come together and form the amazing BUILDAZOID! Then he will snap into action and be the government's secret weapon in time of need. I would tell you the incantation, but then you would have to be locked away in a secret facility. (And I don't know it.)
#55: Van Gogh's Ear
Okay guys, this one's a bit weird, so brace yourself. Here's a new character: Van Gogh's Ear. You know how Vincent Van Gogh cut his ear off? Wellllll, the ear's still out there. And he's pretty ticked off. The guy was gonna have karaoke night with Van Gogh's nose on Friday. Un. Fair. So he's been going around, trying to find a new head to crash on. (Don't ask me. Two words: Mustache Ninja.)
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
#54: Agent Jimmy Cupid
Okay, here's my new character. Actually, he's not all new to the blog. He's been mentioned more than once before. Ladies and gentlemen, making his solo debut basically 2 months late... Agent Jimmy Cupid! Yes, the famous figure of Valentine's Day, cousin of Tom Foolery and behind-the-scenes writer for "The Love Boat." But that's not the cool part. He's also a very important agent of U.N.D.E.R.O.O in the holiday division. The skilled marksman matchmaker keeps the world safe by spreading love, which keeps people from hating. Just another way to avoid wars and keep the world safe. A note from the Mustache Ninja: "He's in love with loving love."
Sunday, April 20, 2014
#53: Agent Cottontail
Hey, guys. Yesterday, I went to WonderCon as Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls. Someone actually took my picture and sent it to the creator, Alex Hirsch! The ultimate power of Bill shall not be contained! Anyway, because it's Easter, I would like to introduce you to my latest character: Agent Cottontail (A.K.A the Easter Bunny). You may think of the Easter Bunny as a fluffy bunny rabbit who hops from house to house, hiding Easter eggs. Well, he's actually this guy - John Cottontail: furry agent of U.N.D.E.R.O.O. (the spy agency, not the '80s underwear with the decals). He's a highly-trained spy in the holiday division, along with Agent Pat O' Shorty (the Leprechaun) and Agent Jimmy Cupid. Equipped with an egg basket portal, action eggs (such as smoke yolk eggs) and naturally lucky feet, Cottontail goes across the world, carrying out the most important mission there is - giving people a happy holiday.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Hey, everyone. I would just like to give some thanks to all of the fellow artists who have commented and given me tips over the year. J.K Riki, ZeroHart, Doug Cook, and so many more. All the animators who have helped contribute to Jacob's Characterz. Also, to all my readers throughout the world who have gotten me into the 2,500s in views: America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, all of the people I've had the privilege to entertain. Thank you, my peeps. Thank you.
#52: Arctic Eddy the Hockey Yeti
Hey, guys. My family and I are L.A. Kings fans, so when they made it to the playoffs, I had to do a hockey-inspired character. Look, anti-Kings fans, I'm not looking for a throw-down or anything. Just an animator here. No hard feelings. Anyway, here's my new character: Arctic Eddy the hockey yeti. He's 9 ft tall. Covered in hair. Can shoot a puck like nobody's business. He's Eddy, the abominable hockey star. Back in Tibet, he was told legends of the puck and the stick and was mesmerized. He moved to the states and now, Eddy is the top player around. (And no, despite his appearance, he has no relation to Cookie Monster.)
Sunday, April 13, 2014
#51: Superrepus: The Palindrome King
Hey, guys. Do you know palindromes? If not, they're groups of numbers or letters that are the same backwards and forwards. Well, this week is the dumbfounding phenomenon where every day is a palindrome (4-13-14, 4-15-14 ex.). So, to celebrate it, here is my new character: Superrepus: the palindrome king. He's the mirroring monarch of the World of Words. Everything about him is a palindrome. His name. His racecar. Even his picture, if you look closely, is the same on both sides. He and his army of guys named Bob (the ultimate palindrome name) rule his land with the power of words. He'll have you saying WOW! Haha. Palindrome.
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(P.S. check the time this was published.) |
Saturday, April 12, 2014
#50: The Ancient Portal Placers
Hey, guys. Today, I'm going to the L.A. Festival of Books. After, of coarse, the Mustache Ninja and I made fun of the theme, "Inspire Your Fire," for several days. Anyway, here are my new characters: the ancient portal placers. Light years ago, back in the days before days, there was an ancient brotherhood of otherworldly beings that flew across the universe, bouncing off planets and throwing portals into nooks and crannies galore. The portals, if found, could let you travel to other realms and unlock the secrets of beyond! Man, that's fun. But they hid them so well, that few people on Earth have ever found them. One more time...BEYOND!
Friday, April 11, 2014
#49: Onomatopoeia Man
Hey everyone, here's my new drawing: Onomatopoeia Man! You know how when Batman or someone is fighting a bad guy, onomatopoeias fly all over, like WAP! BAP! ZAP! Well, someone's gotta put those there. So the great Onomatopoeia Man (A.K.A. ... Jeff) is paid by super heroes to throw those suckers around during fight scenes. He is an essential part of a hero's entourage along with sidekick, cape buffer and guy who stands off screen and says, "meanwhile, at the headquarters..." (Jeff also doubles as the guy who places the hypnotism swirl between scenes. DOODILA-DOODILA-DOODILA-DOODILA-DOO!)
#48: DJ Spacy Mack
Hey guys, here's my new character: DJ Spacy Mack. If your flying through the galaxy in your spaceship and you want to hear some sick beats, you'll surely turn your radio to AM 51 and listen to DJ Spacy Mack. He broadcasts from deep space, mixing up techno & house and sending shout-outs to his homies on Jupiter. Tell me that if Disney's Radio Rebel took place in the Crab Nebula, you wouldn't have liked it more.
Monday, April 7, 2014
#47: Double-0-Kevin
Okay, here's my new drawing: Double-0-Kevin. When the world is in trouble, there's only one secret agent who can save the day ... and when that guy's busy, then there's Kevin, the super spy with a kitty cat tie. He's an agent of U.N.D.E.R.O.O (Universal Network Determining Events of Rather Odd Origins) and runs around, squirting villains with his Splishy Splashy Fun-in-the-Sun gun. (Yeah, he's in the family. Nepotism.)
#46: The Dirty Laundry (Dun Dun DUN)
Gooood morning, everyone. For those international fans, it's 9:12 am here in sunny Blogland, USA. Anyway, here's my new characters: the dirty laundry (dun Dun DUN!). Lock your laundry room door tight and keep your detergent close. Because, when midnight comes, the dirty laundry springs to life and comes to get you! The true essence of evil has never been smellier. Who needs Frankenstien when you have a stinky pair of underwear you wore for 2 days? (I made this idea years ago on a movie poster that I hung on "Materna-tron's" laundry room wall because she was complaining about doing laundry.)
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
#45: The Rex Men
Okay, here are my new characters: the Rex Men! Some 67 million years ago, mild-mannered homosapien, Oogguh Kyung , discovered that Lord Halfus had plans to sink Pangaea to the bottom of the sea. Oogguh needed a plan to stop the evil human/dino, but he couldn't think of a thing until a trio of talking dinosaurs came along. Then, he knew what to do. He and the scaley compadres united as the Rex Men, the crusaders of the Cretaceous, and kicked Halfus' behind. Wam! Pow! Roar!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
#44: April Fool
Hey, guys. Sorry, but I have no posts for today...APRIL FOOLS! Kinda undermined my own prank by doing it on the post. It's best not to think about that. Anyway, in spirit of the day, here's my new character: April Fool. She's the childish prank-master and creator of the holiday in the first place. She's wacky. She's off-the-wall. It's only fitting she be the twin sister of #8: Tom Foolery. Tom showed her all his tricks of mischief and balderdash back in the day so now, she really knows her stuff. Rick-rolling? Yeah, that's all hers. (By the way, this idea was given to by my great Mom. Codename: Materna-tron!)
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