Hiyah, mortals! I'm Jacob, 16-year-old artist and storyteller of sorts who REALLY wants to work in the animation industry one day. The site you see before you is every odd, awesome and in-between thing in my imagination, and I want to share it with you. Go ahead! Grab the snack food of your choosing, sit down and dive into the JC-Verse! Here's hoping you like it.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
#86: Howie
Here's my new character: Howie. Years ago, in the days of yore (you know, the '60s), a capsule shot down from the skies and landed on tropical Kipuchi Island. When U.N.D.E.R.O.O. came to the scene and opened the capsule, inside it was none other than the strange illuminating broseph you see before you. Everyone in the agency was befuddled. Is it an alien? A mutant? The lovechild of a sea urchin and a Minion? Over the years of tagging along with them on various spy-y activities, they've managed to grow attached to the little guy. So now, even if he's by any chance a member of a species of dangerous aliens, they don't really care. Because if so, he's a pretty dang cool one. (Plus, he's great at catch. As the ball, of course.)
#85: Cluck Buckeye
Okay, here's my new character: Cluck Buckeye. Everybody knows that if you have fur, scales, or feathers, you'll be waking up to Channel ROAR's #1 morning talk show, Dawn! With Cluck Buckeye. Live from Studio B (for Barn, of course) at Farmfeller Plaza, this mug-slurping, feed-pecking anchorbird informs the world of such important news as MC Hammerhead telling Skrilla Gorilla "It's on, yo." He's kind of a big deal.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Hey, guys. I have big news: the blog has a new poll! Now you can vote on
monthly questions posted by yours truly. Don't worry, I won't be asking
you what your "spirit animal" is.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Hey guys, here's my new character: The ORIGAMINATOR! (Only to be said in a heavy metal voice.) Origami-folding nerds Jackie Kataki, Borris Nuseman, and Jenn Rockberg were the objects of ridicule for bullies at Angleberger Middle School. Spitballs were a-comin' from all sides. But one day, the group opened a secret compartment in the Origami Club's meeting room, only to find dusty blueprints, REALLY big paper and a message: "Fold it and you will prevail." So they took the prints, followed the instructions and made -- you guessed it -- the ORIGAMINATOR!!! Now, they use this paper-bot to protect their fellow nerds and send bullies running for the hills. You know how they say the pen is mightier than the sword? So is the paper.
#83: Joe Cameo
Okay, tonight I see Captain America: The First Avenger and get to watch the guy I pretend to be whenever I throw a Frisbee. But until then, I think this will keep me busy. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe Cameo! Very little is known about this guy, except for the fact that if you watch a movie all the way through, you will at some point see him. He's a professional cameo-maker! Don't be surprised. It's an art. Making sure you're on the scene in the right place at the right time is tough. (You gots to be shifty.) So, next time you watch something on your TV, watch out for the guy in that Big Foot T.
Monday, June 23, 2014
#82: Clonees
Thursday, June 19, 2014
#81: M.A.C.S.
After having the account since April, I have now finally posted some stuff on Twitter. I put on some comical drawings I made, tweeted about Gravity Falls season 2, and hashtagged hashtag. I guess I was wrong that hashtagging that would make the internet blow up. Hindsight's 20/20. Anyway, time for my new character: M.A.C.S., the Military Attack Cell System. In 4053 A.D., mankind had become just about useless. No offense. So, to protect the U.S., the future replacement of U.N.D.E.R.O.O., called the Universal Network Dispatching Earthly and Extraterrestrial Super-spies (U.N.D.E.E.S. -- they really aren't making it better), created these futuristic order-taking droids to do the job. But after the 4114 Apocalypse, all M.A.C.S. seemed to have been destroyed. Leave it to #65: Zero to find the only single one left just by looking down. After pressing its pod-form activation button, it was Zero & M.A.C.S, post-apocalypse pals, trying to figure out their trashed new Earth. If you're wondering how WALL-E comes into this, that's a different universe.
(Follow me at @JacobFStephens on Twitter.)
(Follow me at @JacobFStephens on Twitter.)
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
#80: Doctor Zedock
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Sunday, June 15, 2014
#79: The Mustache Ninja
Okay guys, you all know my sister and how her nickname on the blog is the Mustache Ninja, right? Well, she was urging me to reserve her the spot as character #100. That spot's already booked, so we came to a compromise. We're going #79. There are thirteen divisions of U.N.D.E.R.O.O. -- field, weapons, tech, etc. -- but when the rest of them can't hack it, there's only one division to call: the ninja division. Yep, I'm serious. But this post isn't about the division, no, it's about one of the best agents it has. You guessed it ... Agent Mustache Ninja. Armed with smoke bombs and shampoo, she's a lean, mean, follicled machine, chillin' like a villain and stachin' up the scene. (She better like this.)
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(Mustache courtesy of Mr. Myfolliclez.) |
Saturday, June 14, 2014
#78: Areo
Okay, guys. Long story short, I found a Chuck E.Cheese token from 2000 sitting on the floor of Target and now I'm lucky as a leprechaun. I don't want to jinx it, so all I'm saying is there was free T.G.I. Fridays food, a Stanley Cup win and Iron Man for 4 bucks on DIRECTV. I guess that wasn't very short. Oh well, here's my new character: Areo. Endless runner games are fun, addictive and occasionally Minion-themed. But one thing they also are is part of the Virtuallity, the video game dimension. One of these games happens to be Dashadizi and its star happens to be Areo, right-hand man of #69: SkyStar. Created by HoshiNoshiCo., this anime marathoner darts all over the Digitals Region, gaining coins and strangely never getting tired. これに触れることができない! That's Japanese for "can't touch this." (Google Translate, I hope you were right.)
What better way to celebrate the L.A. Kings winning the Cup than with a little dose of Arctic Eddy.
(#52, 2014.)
(#52, 2014.)
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
#76 & 77: Jostlewick & Spyser
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"As of today, my comrades, the world is solemnly safe from strangeness, spookems and such." - Julius Spyser |
Okay, it's the perfect time to blog since my sister-accomplice, Mustache Ninja, finished the school year and is now collapsed on the sofa, watching random shows with her stuffed dog Bucky. Here are my new characters: Jostlewick and Spyser, the founders of U.N.D.E.R.O.O. Back in October 1902, people ran in fright as amazin' mutant raisin Twimbley and the beard-sporting villain, Doctor Zedock, were locked in a duel at the St. Monocles Thingamajig Faire. Isaac Jostlewick, a marvelously moustached engineer, heard of the battle, as did U.S. general Julius Spyser. The two teamed up, assembled the soldiers, and high-tailed it to Missouri to handle the brouhaha. After Zedock got his rusty heine wooped and it was all said and done, the two decided that with these peculiar things out in the JC-Verse, the world needed protecting. So, on that day, the 'stache-y duo got together and founded the Universal Network Determining Events of Rather Odd Origins, beginning 112 years of future spy-iness. Hasta La Pasta, Gravity Falls is calling.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Saturday, June 7, 2014
#75: The Magnificent Twimbley
Okay, here's my new character: The Magnificent Twimbley. Back in 1900, the gear-turning, top hat-wearing era we now call Steampunk was in full swing. But in St. Monocles, Missouri, a laboratory (I was gonna say "lab," but I'm going 1900s) was doing an experiment. One of the "IT'S ALIVE!" variety. The scientists took a raisin and injected it with toxic Ozotonium, then implanted DNA from the late katrillion-aire futurist Charles Gravenger -- and Yoda knows what else -- and EGAD! They got Twimbley. The sharp dressed mutant escaped the lab in a moustache-y flash, then traveled around the states, going on escapades and saying "By Jiminy!" a lot. He also happens to be distantly related to the California Raisins. How do I know that? Heard it through the grapevine.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
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