A little animator's motivation for the day:
Hiyah, mortals! I'm Jacob, 16-year-old artist and storyteller of sorts who REALLY wants to work in the animation industry one day. The site you see before you is every odd, awesome and in-between thing in my imagination, and I want to share it with you. Go ahead! Grab the snack food of your choosing, sit down and dive into the JC-Verse! Here's hoping you like it.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Okay. After a surprising victory for the sinister sideburned scientist, it is now time for the Impossible (Nathan Utterson) to take on UNDEROO's own the Man. The hippies will be backing Utterson, of that I am sure.
Okay. After a surprising victory for the sinister sideburned scientist, it is now time for the Impossible (Nathan Utterson) to take on UNDEROO's own the Man. The hippies will be backing Utterson, of that I am sure.
#140: The Red Masuka
I'm heading to go see Big Hero 6 in a bit, so I'll try and be quick. Ladies and gentlemen, the Red Masuka! As previously stated in #27 (2014), the bustling streets of Shmetro City are protected by the crime-fighting Kung-Fuser, Nunchuck. But if there's a crime-fighter, there must be crime to fight, yes? Well, that crime is the ninja gang, the Soy Boi Choy, and the Soy Boi Choy fight under the Red Masuka. Little is known about the mysterious master of maliciousness except that he is powered via his signature amulet. But from what we do know, we can conjure up one important fact: he's One. Bad. Dude. Interesting fact: he and Shredder from TMNT are friends on Chatbook.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
#139: Fleaticus: The Warrior That Lives on My Dog
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! May you all stuff yourself to the full extent of the law. Okay, now that the Characterfest buzz has died down, it is time for me to start posting again. Ladies and gentlemen, Fleaticus. The warrior that lives on my dog. If you are with your dog and you hear the faint sound of someone screaming "VIVA LA FLEA!," then you'll know. Know that he's there. The fiercest fighter south of your pooch's head. Fleaticus. Hailing from the Itchaco-Scratchico Empire, the bite-sized gladiator goes and conquers pets, growing his expanding list of conquests. (This little guy is actually based on a real flea on my dog, Blue, that is impossible to get rid of. The thing's a flat-out ninja.)
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Time for the grand finale. A drawing from the days of our childhood. And possibly the weirdest interpretation of me I've ever seen.
Here is another odd art piece courtesy of the Mustache Ninja. It used to be a failed prototype of one of my comic book pages. Then the sister came. Now the moon has a stache.
#138: Captain Foambeard
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I present to you a picture drawn by my whackadoodle of a friend, Sophie. Very important note: this is not my work.
#137: The Inquisitaco
Sorry for vanishing for a little bit. I tried making a second Happy Magic short and sadly failed. But now I am back and ready to introduce you to a revival of the Food Wars collection. Ladies and gentlemen, the Inquisitaco! During the period in the Food Wars galaxy when the Rebellyum was growing with help from sugary rebel Pezra, there was a mysterious Mexican-food menace within the Spudpire: the Inquisitaco. Wielding the fanciest, craziest looking forksaber credits can buy, the fiend had been tasked by Darth Tater himself to get rid of the Jedi leftovers throughout the galaxy. (It would be much easier for the rebels to defeat him if they just called in #91: Zowie Cowy. Read her post and you'll understand what I mean.)
#136: Doragon
Okay, here's a new Characterfest post: Doragon (dun dun DUUUN). Long ago in Japan, an average guy named Akio Fujimoto ended up in a cave and found a mysterious glowing diamond. (Don't worry, folks, it's about to get a lot weirder.) He then preceded to touch it. Word to the wise: when in the JC-Verse, do not touch anything described with the words "mysterious," "glowing" and "diamond" all together. But of course, this guy was in ancient Japan, way before there were blogs to give you helpful advice. After making contact with it, the stone attached to him and Akio became possessed by the evil Doragon Spirit! After the Ancient Order of the Bamurai got the spirit back into the diamond, it was hidden where no one could possibly find it. At least until the 21st century. Now, the Doragon has found a new host, terrorizing the masses and fighting the kung-fuser himself #27: Nunchuck. It's kinda like a mash of the symbiotes from the Spider-Man comics and Mushu from Mulan. Disturbing but true.
Okay guys, as part of Characterfest, I have decided to post a few drawings from my sister, the Mustache Ninja. This one is probably the weirdest so it gets to go first. "Gone with the Wind (Because They're so Tiny)" is a story of two munchkins soon to be wed. But, given they are such a small species indeed, the bride, Trishandra, is carried away in a breeze. It is then up to the groom, Chadwick, to travel across mountains high, valleys low, and brick roads yellow to retrieve his true love from the fiend that is wind. Mustache Ninja also said there are cowboys and aliens in there somewhere, but I don't really know how that fits in.
"Wherever you blow, I will find yooouu!" -Chadwick the Munchkin.
"Wherever you blow, I will find yooouu!" -Chadwick the Munchkin.
#135: The Sinister Mr. FluffyBeard
I said there was gonna be beards. I did not lie. Straight from the mind of my braids-wearing partner in geekdome Elizabeth Johnson, here's my new character: the sinister Mr. FluffyBeard! Don't let his name fool you, he's extremely dangerous. But behind all good villains is a back-story. Just a few months ago, this face-follicled felon was simply a musician with dreams of topping the charts. But after being rejected on popular singing competition show, So You Think You've Got "It", he was so devastated that he didn't know what to do. Until he found the suit. A fancy suit. A suit that gave him the capability to demolish the very population that swiped "no" on him. With evil thoughts on his mind and Halloween costume paint on his face, FluffyBeard was unstoppable by all. At least until he got his gluteus maximus kicked by the Jaded Ferrets. But, you know, little details. (PS, this guy was inspired by Will Roth on Rising Star, just so you know.)
#134: Rubis the Rubix
Okay, time for the next installment in Characterfest: Rubis the Rubix!
The hard-to-master Rubix Cube has become an ever-so-recognizable piece
of our pop culture. It's confusing, fun and, best of all, it's from the
'80s. But they don't talk. Or walk. Or burst into disco dance shindigs.
So unfortunate. But as per-ushe in the JC-Verse, one single cube does
all those things. And his name is Rubis. From the moment he was
assembled for the Christmas season of 1985, it was obvious Rubis had a
gift. No pun intended. But like with many others, such as Frankenstein and
the X-Men, his differences were not accepted. After years of being passed
from person to person via garage sales and such, the lonely square
finally landed with a natural acceptor of all weirdness. Doug.
Now hanging with the bear as part of his lively inventory of
knick-knacks from across the universe, Rubis feels like he finally
belongs. (The name of this character is courtesy of my sister, the
Mustache Ninja. I came up with other names, but she wouldn't budge. I
commend her on her persistence.)
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He's totally cube-ular! |
#133: The See Monster
It begins. Ladies and gentlemen, our first Characterfest character, the See Monster! For many centuries, people of the Old Norse region have heard terrifying tales of a multi-pupiled ocean beast know as the See Monster. First spotted in the 900s by amazingly mustached Scandinavian viking Vindell Yorkerstav, word of the dangerous creature spread across the region. With constantly multiplying eyes surveying the waters for prey, the See Monster lurks around to this day, ripping up ships and making the giant squid look like a rubber ducky. (This character is a reflection of my love of myth creatures, like Nessy and Big Foot. A glimmer of hope that the world isn't completely normal.)
Hello, people of the interwebs! As you can probably tell from the zero time left on the Countdowninator, today is Characterfest! (Imaginary applause.) Today will be a joyous celebration of absolute weirdness, filled with many bloggy surprises. I don't want to spoil anything, but there will be beards. Okay, let's get this thing started! Click the video below for a proper anthem:
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Hey, guys. I know I haven't been as frequent post-wise lately, so to make up for it I am making a proclamation. This Saturday is the first annual Characterfest, a holiday for all wacky enough to take part! Characters! Guest artists! Straight from the JC-Verse! And other random oddities to brighten and sufficiently weirden your otherwise average day! Multi-fonted, Photoshop-made poster, tell them more!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
#132: Super Little Cape (Golden Age Edition)
Hey, guys. My sincerest apologies for disappearing like that, I was waiting for the supplies to make a specific character. But fear not. I am back and ready to share with you a character inspired by one of my favorite comic book eras. Ladies and gentlemen, Super Little Cape, Golden Age edition! As I show you today, the olden days of superheroes, one chock-full of phone booths and spandex, also had a Super Little Cape (see #125). This one happened to be Thomas Terry, mild-mannered, dippy-do-haired resident of Whamopolis, Washington. After being laid off by his newspaper employers, the Whamopolis Jabber, he found himself chosen by the mystic cape itself to protect the protectable. After that, he was Super Little Cape, flying over the Whamopolis streets and fighting such dastardly dudes as the Martian Master and Chillzo. He also won back his news column at the Jabber! You know the Man of Steel? This guy's the Man of Spiel.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
#131: Ferdinand Magellan (JC-Verse Edition)
Time for another installment from the brightly-colored haven of craziness known as my friend Sophie's mind. Ladies and gents, Ferdinand Magellan! I know. Ol' Ferdinand already existed. But this is the JC-Verse version, and you have to know by now that whatever is in the JC-Verse is 193 times weirder than the same thing in our universe. Real math, people. This Magellan didn't just stop at the seas of Earth, no. He went all-out. That's right. He was an inter-dimensional traveler. After getting tossed into the infinite BEYOND... BEYOND... BEYOND, the cartoonishly flamboyant explorer of the sea took off with his crew and began his circumnavigation of the universe, meeting several E.T.s, including #127: Ozbald of Wuzzlemoo. His current whereabouts is unknown, but my guess is chilling like a villain with Captain Jack Sparrow. A friendship made in Heaven.

Saturday, November 8, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Here's an "Egoey" straight from Doug's Twitter. I tried to tell the furry fellow it's called a selfie, but he wouldn't budge. Something about "not submitting to the will of the youngins."
Thursday, November 6, 2014
#130: Mixberry
Finally! Toy Story 4 is coming to theaters in summer 2017!!! Huh, looks like the Muppets were more-or-less right. Okay, after a few months of Marvel-esque creations, I've decided to return to my roots with an old-fashioned comedic post. Here's my new character: Mixberry! The JC-Verse is home to a large populous of talking food. I would give quite the reason, but telling the tale of a celestially-powered cook feels like more of a Saturday thing. But while some of these living meals find themselves in the Food Wars Universe or telling lively religious tales on television, others find themselves with a different purpose: bustin' out some dope tunes. Enter Mixberry. First growing onto the scene in 1994 with his hit, "Sweet-n-Sour (Fight the Power)," this bite-sized beatmaster has dominated the charts with songs such as "Ice Ice Berry" and ''Fruit! They're It Is." (I dedicate this post to my 1990s time-capsule of a cousin Jared. A pure example of the fact that growing up is only an option. Props, dawg!)
Saturday, November 1, 2014
#129: Jillajones Skeltie
For all of you who are on Twitter, I would like to point that character #100, Doug, has just recently begun his account. If you could check it out and follow the guy, that would be ducky. Okay, sorry I'm posting my Halloween character the day after, but better late than never. Ladies and gentlemen, Jillajones Skeltie! Down in the hoodoo voodoo hodgepodge that is New Orleans, people at Halloween time come with the thoughts of big, scary ghouls flying around in their heads. Pretty pathetic, really, considering they're all freaked out over creatures that look like this heel-clicking fellow below. Living in Spaggleworth Manner with the rest of his apparition pals (including the oh-so-familiar Ghoulman), Skeltie is the large group's leader and a happy little snappy-dressed one at that. Fun fact: in our universe, Jillajones is a stuffed toy I got in a claw machine when I was a mere Jakeling. I just looked at the guy when I got him and thought, "I will name him Jillajones Skeltie!" Even I wonder how that name came about in my head. I was/am a strange child.
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