It takes an intense soul to spend their whole life fiercely guarding a henge. That much is known. But before we get into why exactly that fact is pivotal to this post, let's discuss some slighty lesser-known info: fairies exist in the JC-Verse. Honestly, compared to all the other weird crud the JC-Verse contains, (see literally any other character I've made), tiny gals with wings are actually really orthodox. But nonetheless, fairies have spent centuries trying to hide themselves from JC-Earth's humans, and they've been pretty great at it thus far--but there's one other commodity they've been trying to conceal almost more religiously than themselves. Hint: it's a henge. *cue gasps* Specifically Fizban's Henge, an ancient circle of stones covered with incantations, ranging from ones that trigger simple spells to ones that activate--surprise surprise--mystic runes. And every generation, a group of fittingly intense young fairies are picked out to be the sacred guards of Fizban's Henge, on behalf of the fairy community. But one of those bodyguards has stood out as particularly hardcore to the max. And that, ladies and gents . . . is Xanna Freakin' Scardust. Having trained herself extensivley in fluttering-based hand-to-hand combat and in the darkling practice of shadowmelding, the impassioned punk pixie practically raised herself on the path to become the perfect guard of the Henge. The perfect social butterfly, that can be debated. But hey, pick your battles. Armed with a variety of dangerous pixie dust concoctions and an unwavering sense of ambition and honor, Xanna protects the Hedge's secrets with unmatched dedication--and even as more and more of her fellow guards have been quitting the gig, that dedication still remains. (I think this post will go out to all you starving artists out there currently stuck in a rutt. If Xanna Scardust can stay motivated and achieve her freaking goals, so can you. SO. CAN. YOU.)
Hiyah, mortals! I'm Jacob, 16-year-old artist and storyteller of sorts who REALLY wants to work in the animation industry one day. The site you see before you is every odd, awesome and in-between thing in my imagination, and I want to share it with you. Go ahead! Grab the snack food of your choosing, sit down and dive into the JC-Verse! Here's hoping you like it.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
#259: Xanna Scardust
Okay, guys. The metaphorical 104 days of my summer vacation have officially wrapped, and just as P&F so wisely predicted, school came along just to end it. This Monday, I officially started 9th grade. For the record, I did get 16 posts (9 of those being full-on characterz) published over the roughly 3 months of my freedom, so I would consider the whole deal an overall win. However, I do feel like I didn't get to send the summer off in as rad of a fashion as I intended, and I did finish the following character before Monday, so . . . what the hey. Let's consider this the official last character of the summer! Fingers crossed it doesn't disappoint. So, everybody give it up for Xanna Scardust!
It takes an intense soul to spend their whole life fiercely guarding a henge. That much is known. But before we get into why exactly that fact is pivotal to this post, let's discuss some slighty lesser-known info: fairies exist in the JC-Verse. Honestly, compared to all the other weird crud the JC-Verse contains, (see literally any other character I've made), tiny gals with wings are actually really orthodox. But nonetheless, fairies have spent centuries trying to hide themselves from JC-Earth's humans, and they've been pretty great at it thus far--but there's one other commodity they've been trying to conceal almost more religiously than themselves. Hint: it's a henge. *cue gasps* Specifically Fizban's Henge, an ancient circle of stones covered with incantations, ranging from ones that trigger simple spells to ones that activate--surprise surprise--mystic runes. And every generation, a group of fittingly intense young fairies are picked out to be the sacred guards of Fizban's Henge, on behalf of the fairy community. But one of those bodyguards has stood out as particularly hardcore to the max. And that, ladies and gents . . . is Xanna Freakin' Scardust. Having trained herself extensivley in fluttering-based hand-to-hand combat and in the darkling practice of shadowmelding, the impassioned punk pixie practically raised herself on the path to become the perfect guard of the Henge. The perfect social butterfly, that can be debated. But hey, pick your battles. Armed with a variety of dangerous pixie dust concoctions and an unwavering sense of ambition and honor, Xanna protects the Hedge's secrets with unmatched dedication--and even as more and more of her fellow guards have been quitting the gig, that dedication still remains. (I think this post will go out to all you starving artists out there currently stuck in a rutt. If Xanna Scardust can stay motivated and achieve her freaking goals, so can you. SO. CAN. YOU.)
It takes an intense soul to spend their whole life fiercely guarding a henge. That much is known. But before we get into why exactly that fact is pivotal to this post, let's discuss some slighty lesser-known info: fairies exist in the JC-Verse. Honestly, compared to all the other weird crud the JC-Verse contains, (see literally any other character I've made), tiny gals with wings are actually really orthodox. But nonetheless, fairies have spent centuries trying to hide themselves from JC-Earth's humans, and they've been pretty great at it thus far--but there's one other commodity they've been trying to conceal almost more religiously than themselves. Hint: it's a henge. *cue gasps* Specifically Fizban's Henge, an ancient circle of stones covered with incantations, ranging from ones that trigger simple spells to ones that activate--surprise surprise--mystic runes. And every generation, a group of fittingly intense young fairies are picked out to be the sacred guards of Fizban's Henge, on behalf of the fairy community. But one of those bodyguards has stood out as particularly hardcore to the max. And that, ladies and gents . . . is Xanna Freakin' Scardust. Having trained herself extensivley in fluttering-based hand-to-hand combat and in the darkling practice of shadowmelding, the impassioned punk pixie practically raised herself on the path to become the perfect guard of the Henge. The perfect social butterfly, that can be debated. But hey, pick your battles. Armed with a variety of dangerous pixie dust concoctions and an unwavering sense of ambition and honor, Xanna protects the Hedge's secrets with unmatched dedication--and even as more and more of her fellow guards have been quitting the gig, that dedication still remains. (I think this post will go out to all you starving artists out there currently stuck in a rutt. If Xanna Scardust can stay motivated and achieve her freaking goals, so can you. SO. CAN. YOU.)
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Alrighty, the previously-teased fairy-related character is about to go into the "outlining-in-pen" stage. But in the meantime, I have finished a new piece of DC fanart that I feel is just about snazzy enough to warrant me showing you guys. So, ladies and gents, I give you the JC-brand iteration of the Joker! Portrayed by non-other-than former Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston, by the way. I don't think he reached his full "unnaturally pale adversary of a caped superhero" potential in Thor 2: Asgardian Boogalo, and he definitely has the grin for it. So, enjoy!
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("Poster Edges" variant) |
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("Film Grain" variant) |
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(No-filter variant) |
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
#258: Warlock (Stanley Zerko)
I want to apologize ahead of time for the overall, how you say, occult quality of the following character. I'll just go ahead and put that rad son of a virgin down there on stakeout, for all the religious guys and gals out there. You know, to misdirect them bad vibes. Now, without further ado ... Warlock! A bit of secret JC-Verse history for you. *ahem* An extremely long time ago, JC-Earth was
scattered with thousands upon millions of powerful runes, each imbeded with a mystic and often deadly incantation. Who knows who put these runes there in the first place (demons, aliens, a ridiculously overzealous group of wizard tag artists), but tons of non-human groups over the years have utilized them for varying purposes. Humans, however . . . have basically been blind-as-bats to their existence. That is, until one single human wasn't. And that human just so happened to be certifiably insane. (10 points to the universe for more good, old-fashioned cruel irony.) Having earned himself a stay at the Talia Teecas State Bedlam for the Unhinged, Stanley Zerko had experienced so many dark, borderline-demonic visions over the years that, for all we know, he could've been seeing the runes all along. But what we know for sure is that on August 2nd of 2015, at precisely 10:26 am, he woke up with the ability to activate them. And with that, crud hit the fan. Deeming himself Warlock, the madman magus used the incantations to bust out of Teecas State, leaving a flurry of destruction in his wake and fleeing in the frenzy. He was eventually tracked down and placed in a high-security prison by U.N.D.E.R.O.O., but that didn't stop the tale of his rampage from spreading--or from inspiring a gaggle of scientific minds and certified loons alike to research runology in hopes of copying him. I reckon it would probably be best if we just leave those runes to the fairies. (More on that with my next character. Bum . . . bum . . . BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM.)
scattered with thousands upon millions of powerful runes, each imbeded with a mystic and often deadly incantation. Who knows who put these runes there in the first place (demons, aliens, a ridiculously overzealous group of wizard tag artists), but tons of non-human groups over the years have utilized them for varying purposes. Humans, however . . . have basically been blind-as-bats to their existence. That is, until one single human wasn't. And that human just so happened to be certifiably insane. (10 points to the universe for more good, old-fashioned cruel irony.) Having earned himself a stay at the Talia Teecas State Bedlam for the Unhinged, Stanley Zerko had experienced so many dark, borderline-demonic visions over the years that, for all we know, he could've been seeing the runes all along. But what we know for sure is that on August 2nd of 2015, at precisely 10:26 am, he woke up with the ability to activate them. And with that, crud hit the fan. Deeming himself Warlock, the madman magus used the incantations to bust out of Teecas State, leaving a flurry of destruction in his wake and fleeing in the frenzy. He was eventually tracked down and placed in a high-security prison by U.N.D.E.R.O.O., but that didn't stop the tale of his rampage from spreading--or from inspiring a gaggle of scientific minds and certified loons alike to research runology in hopes of copying him. I reckon it would probably be best if we just leave those runes to the fairies. (More on that with my next character. Bum . . . bum . . . BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM.)
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(Credit to the classic Golden Age Joker for inspiring the general art style I drew this fellow in.) |
Thursday, August 18, 2016
#257: Ulysses: Unscrupulous Spore and Undisputed King of Crime
Look alive, folks. We are slowly and steadily aproaching the aforementioned bitter end of my summer vacation, and I've got approximately 10 days left to not waste. So, let's keep the locomotive of productivity a-going with my new character: Ulysses! If there's one thing the Batman movies have shown me over the years besides this, it's that criminals can be very easily manipulated via their gullible fears of cweepy cweatures that go bump in the night. Much like small children, but with thicker New Yorker accents. However, just as this weakness of theirs can be utilized for good, it can also be used to spook them into doing your equally criminal bidding--and few are a better example of this than our pal below. One of the few remaining specimen of a prehistoric species of alphaspore, the being who calls himself Ulysses spent a million-or-so years self-evolving to a level of human intelligence. (Think how Pokemon do it, but with way less Hollywood pizzazz.) After intimidating a group of thugs into building him a mechsuit to mold him into the necessary human shape (human intellect is nothing if you're still a lumpy pile of cells, mind you), he spent the next decade scaring his way to the top of the criminal underworld. Now, Ulysses is the unchallenged commander of JC-Earth's collective thugs, thieves and otherwise unprincipled hoodlums for hire--and with most of law enforcement convinced he's some sort of silly urban legend, he's poised to stick around for quite a while. (He's basically Jabba the Hutt if he managed to squeeze himself into Krang's robot bod.)
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(He didn't choose the Thug Life, the Thug Life chose--oh, well, yeah, he did kinda choose the Thug Life, didn't he? Nevermind then. Hindsight's 20/20, I guess.) |
Sunday, August 14, 2016
#256: The Marthálans
Being primarily homeschooled for most of my life has had some downsides, but whatever few there have been are completely made up for by not having to participate in the Cha Cha Slide and/or Cupid Shuffle at every school dance. Thank you, universe, for sparing me from such torment. Anyway, time for some new characters. Ladies and gentlemortals, I happily present to you, the Superians! If any of you have stuck with me and my madness since early 2015, you might remember that the JC-Verse harbors its very own version of the infamous submerged location of Atlantis, currently acting as home to a surprisingly advanced class of merpeople. But long before all that jazz, it did sink. And the story of how that came about is worth retelling. As it turns out, the island nation wasn't even originally called Atlantis. No, the place was originally named Marthálas, and in 300 b.c. the original, unaquatic folks that lived there received hands-down the best early Christmas gift ever given: a whole minesworth of Quantum Crystals, ripe for the picking. Upon acquiring a Quantum Crystal, one receives abilites that (if honed) could make a Greek God tremble, and for whatever reason the powers-that-be decided to test the people of Marthálas to see if humans were worthy of those abilities. And as you can probably gather, the answer to that query was a whopping no. With all the power in the world and then some coursing through their collective veins, the Marthálans grew twice as power-hungry as they already were to begin with. Fighting raged among every social class now level in supernatural might, and before they could even launch their planned attack on the mortals of Greece, their society was an utter wreck. Needless to say, the P.T.B. decided that maybe humans weren't exactly ready to get jiggy with the Quantum Crystals yet, and down went an unsalvageable Marthálas into the depths of the ocean blue. Bum deal, huh? Maybe one day the forces beyond will give the ordinary citizens of the JC-Verse a second whack at it, and the Crystals will rear their ethereal heads once more. But until then, the all-knowing power provided to said citizens by interweb search engines will have to suffice. As it does for us.
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(Two members of Marthálan royalty battling it out the old fashion way: with searing hand-blasts of otherworldy radiation.) |
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
The sound of a loud defining click reverberates through the blog's post archives. A strong aroma of cheeto dust and aspiration permeates the homepage, and everybody realizes. Jacob is back. Whether that is a good or bad thing is up to interpretation. Take it as you will, folks. But in all seriousness, yes, I am back from my aformentioned EpiC FAmiLy-VEnTUres, which I can now safely reveal were a big long triparoony to Diamond Lake, Oregon! (The Parental Units didn't want me disclosing that we were going out of state for so long due to security concerns and such.) Going up there is a big family tradition for my mom and grandparents, and the last time they went I came along as a toddler and my sis was still being grown in the lab. So, now that Abby and I are both hardy teens ready-ish for the world, Mom decided it was time to finally go back, grandparents and all, to let us fully experience it for the first time. It was very, very worth it. I'm sure you don't want me to spend a whole post's worth recounting it, so I'll give you a few quick bullet points on what went down:
- There were a lot of trees.
- Over the course of 3 trips out onto the lake, I caught a quartet of fish and deemed them the Big Four: Tyrone B. "Fishy" Nelson, Joey "The Glub" Jones II, Tonto, and "Wiley Gills" Bill McCoy.
- I was inspired by my majestic tree-y surroundings and cranked out the first 8 pages of a book that takes place in Oregon. I don't want to spill the deets on what exactly that book is about, but still, I'm overall proud of it thus far.
- My mom waged war on the relentless mosquitos of Diamond Lake, and (mostly) prevailed.
- We made a ton of rad s'mores.
- We laughed our butts off over this picture of my Nana:
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