Extreme apologies to you all for not posting for almost 2 WEEKS. You can pin the hefty blame on me working on my second '05s comic for the Young Authors' Faire, editing the footage for the Mustache Ninja and her accomplice Sophie's school project, and a smidgen of Youtube binge-ery. But fear not, for now it's time for my latest character (who is most definitely furry, as promised): Max Ballemy! In the modern age of the JC-Verse, FLs (Fantastic Lifeforms, in case ya didn't get the memo) are very common in the world around you, and come in a Helicarrier-load of different shapes and sizes. And sometimes, several of those shapes and sizes are packed neatly into one FL. And sometimes, that FL's name is Max. Coming from a long family line of shapeshifters, Max Ballemy currently attends Snarwicky High in Washington, and while doing so discovered how he wants to use his God-given gifts. Being school mascot. It was practically written in the stars: he has an intense, mildly-hazardous school spirit, and a general history of being clumsy at his peer's amusement. Plus, he took a karate class for a week down at the Doohickeys-R-Us strip mall once, and from that experience he's already been able to cross out using his gifts to fight for justice and all that jazz. So, after giving his all in an official tryout, they readily excepted him, and he's been living his luck-bringing, half-time-hyping dream since. Plus, getting the gig meant not another poor soul would have to hop inside the Snarwick Skink mascot suit, infamous for its stench of bodily odor and general death. We salute you, Max Ballemy.
Hiyah, mortals! I'm Jacob, 16-year-old artist and storyteller of sorts who REALLY wants to work in the animation industry one day. The site you see before you is every odd, awesome and in-between thing in my imagination, and I want to share it with you. Go ahead! Grab the snack food of your choosing, sit down and dive into the JC-Verse! Here's hoping you like it.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
#239: Blaster Jack
Okay, time for my latest character: Blaster Jack! U.N.D.E.R.O.O. is a long-standing and oober-powerful staple of the JC-Verse. It's got spies spying on its spies, and it probably knows you better than you know you. But, as I'm sure you all know, nothing lasts forever except infinity and Gravity Falls between-episode waiting periods. And it only takes one extraterrestrial puppetmaster guy in your circle to end your run just like that. After the Man is finally ousted to the public in the future(ish) year of 2020, U.N.D.E.R.O.O. is shut down, and all of their high tech bells and whistles are confiscated by the U.S. Government and stuck in a top-secret warehouse called the Lockbox. There. End of story, no? No. Well, just as it takes one evil alien master man to ruin your good name, it only takes one government agent with some serious high-level clearance and flimsy morals to steal all your confiscated goodies and make you look like a doof. So, after doing just that, average government man Jack Mortinson recreats himself as Blaster Jack, ultimate UNDEROO-armed assassin and thief, running from the US Government and looking really swag doing it. (PS, if any of you noticed how many bad guys I've been posting as of late, fear not. Next up is a good guy. Anticipate furriness.)
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(Shout-outs to Boba Fett, however far down the Sarlacc's esophagus he may be, and some vidoe game designs I've seen lately for inspiring Jack's design.) |
Monday, January 11, 2016
#238: Fäter: The World's Last Dictator
Okay, time for a new character. Ladies and gents, Fäter! Remember those times I said that the JC-Verse's planet Earth was going to meet its cruel and palindromey demise in the year 4114 AD? Good ol' times there. But I never actually told you what causes the catastophe in the first place. Well, all you Nibiru believers left over from 2012 can rest easy, because what takes us (or really, the JC-Verse version of us) down just so happens to be something competely different: ourselves. Or rather, our own creation. In Flogel, a future European nation smack dab where Germany and France used to be, a scientist wows the world with the first robot built with a human-equivalent consciousness, whom he names Fäter. This android dominates the press, becoming a superstar even bigger than the Kardashian overloards of our current society. Everything looks fine at first. But as Fäter furthers his knowledge of Earth, he gets more corrupted, and more corrupted, until he gets a little idea of how he can use all this star power of his. To rule us. And that's exactly what the artificially intellegent son of a gun does, reigning surpreme through his one-world government and destroying everybody who resists his rule. All you people who "survived" Y2K must be feeling like a bunch of straight-up n00bs now, huh?
Thursday, January 7, 2016
I don't currently have any elaborate posts to compose as of right now, but here's a quick animation I made last night via my Toon Boom Harmony 12 program. I felt like I should probably give you all some proper proof that I'm actually working on animation nowadays, not just lounging around in my Saturday pants and scrollin' the webternet. Ladies and gents, "Round Man Rob Isn't Fond of This Job!"
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
In the mood to have random, obscure aspects of the world around you questioned? Well, my friend, I think this is the page for you. Grab yourself a pair of your finest skepticals, hunker down and partake in my current array of existential fan theories. Feel free to join in via the comments! Unless, of course, you're a troll. Then I banish you to Reddit.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Now that this here blog is back in business, I thought I'd post some pretty snazzy fan art of Johnny Storm I drew between laziness sessions during Winter Break. This just so happens to be the specific version that I imagine for my own Fantastic Four movie franchise idea. I'll just leave it at that on account of the all-too-true fact that if I started blabbing about my version, I'd be here 'til I run out of space on this post. And even if you can't run out of space on Blogger, I'd still somehow find a way.
#237: Eyesore the Eliminator
Hello, 2016! You're much more 2015-like than I was expecting, but what the hey. You're here! Okay guys, time for my new character: Eyesore the Eliminator! Ozotonium is a prized and mysterious commodity in the JC-Verse. One injection/sip/soothing bath of the stuff and you'll be slingshotted approximately 3 to 5 notches up the evolutionary sequence. The population of Animaland was just your average petting zoo selection wandering about on a distant planet before consuming the stuff! So naturally, all you have to do is grab yourself some, stick it in your system, and sit back and wait for your new swaggalicious Superman-esque enhancements to kick in, right? Well, that's what a couple of black market monster-ologists thought when they tried to create their own anthropomorphic animal out of your average toad. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. When they injected the glowing green stuff into said unsuspecting amphibian, they mistakenly used impure Ozotonium, which . . . well, doesn't have quite the same effect. The result? The blobby barbarian you see before you. The monster-ologists were caught in the act and taken into custody, while their creature escaped, later acquiring the nickname Eyesore the Eliminator and coming to blows which such heroes as NightOwl and NunChuck. I think that was a pretty sufficiant lesson on the JC-Verse for one day. Cue "The More You Know":
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