I've returned!!! Hello, blog! Hello, Showcard Gothic logo! Hello, obscure couple of data symbols in the top left corner of the screen I can't get rid of! It's dandy to be back, I've gotta say. As all you peeps have had absolutely
no way of knowing, I've been working non-stop for the last week or two on a video project of mine for my school's Open House. If any of you feel like increasing your smarticles this fine Sunday morning, then click
this here link. But as for all of you who are just here for some more art and ramblings on the extradimensional happenings of the JC-Verse, as per ushe, then here it is. Ladies and gentlemen, my latest character: Simontheanomoly! Let's be honest for a sec. In this day and age, if some alien/superhuman/other-dimensional lass or lad came to our world, they probably wouldn't go about thwarting threats to mankind. They would probably just go viral. Well, while the JC-Verse does have a plentiful supply of your traditional justice-based fantastical lifeforms, it does have one notable fellow that has become a big presence on the interwebs: Simontheanomaly. After being hurled through the intertwining threads of space-time and ending up here, you'd think Simon Steorra of Dimension 776-A's entrance would've been a bit more newsworthy. But with multicolored ETs and anthropomorphic creatures making the news, it was kinda easy to miss some blonde dude in a blue sweater. So after about a week of adjusting to our society and shaking off a heck of a case of travel nausea, he began posting some videos on the 'Tube under the name Simontheanomaly to try to get the world's attention--and it didn't take long for the web-dwellers to eat it up. So, with a hefty subscriber count and fanbase to match, Simontheanomaly is now a bona fide sensation, reacting to the everyday aspects of our everyday world with fresh eyes, and giving his own unique otherworldy perspective on each one. (Truth be told, Jacksepticeye and Tyler Oakley both look more like they're from other dimensions then he does:)
(Seriously, tell me I'm wrong.) |
Nope, you're not wrong, lol. :)