Okay, now that that bit of caution is out of the way, time for my new character: Redcap! I don't expect all of you to coincidentally be experts on English Border Folklore--or to, you know, spontaneously search mythical creatures on Google for inspiration like yours truly--so I'll catch you up to speed. Redcaps are murderous dwarves/goblins/elves/fairies/gosh knows what else, depending on who you ask, that are said to have hung out in abandoned castles on the England-Scotland border. They sprint like caffeinated cheetahs, and if you decide to step foot on their turf, you have about a .78 percent chance of not meeting a pikestaffy demise. Also, they apparently dye their namesake caps with the blood of their prey, so . . . alrighty then. Well, these little monstrosities just so happen to have a modern day counterpart roaming around JC-Verse England. He definitely isn't into the whole blood-dyeing notion, but as far as agility/killing levels go, the redcap title is well-earned. After taking part in a massive breakout at Facility-7, a high-security lockup for dangerous Fantastical Lifeforms located outside London, this former prisoner decided to put his psychotic skillset to bad use under a new persona, ripped right from a creepy old wives' tale. Equipped with a rusty mask that blends all too seamlessly with his real mug, as well as a noticeable level-up from a pikestaff, the nutcase currently known as Redcap spends his time taking on the prey with the biggest bounties placed on their heads, as well as whoever he feels deserves it, such as our old chum Ultimate Hyde. A resounding squat is known about where he got his enhanced speed, or about pretty much anything else regarding him, but at least one thing is for certain: with him, you'd be hard-pressed to find where the monster ends and the person begins--assuming that point exists. (PS, shout-out to the various comic book characters that offered bits of inspiration for this fellow. Now, you guys go get all that blood-dyeing and pikestaffing out of your head for the night. Listen to some "Rainbow Connection" or something, I think you need it.)
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( . . . And yes, that is a blood-spattered Jack Skellington antenna topper on the end of his ultra-pike. There had to be something to lighten up this post a little bit.) |