This week was a very social week. So social, in fact, that I think I may have overshot the end-goal of not being a hermit and accidently become a social butterfly. So, I guess we can consider the dehermitization process a success! High fives all around, team. This a community accomplishment. Anyway, since I don't want to leave the poor posting archive for March in the nude while I finish the next character post, I present to you my Open House poster! My school's Open House happens to have been one of the main events of the aforementioned social week. The theme was "Books: Food for the Brain," and I think I conveyed that quite affectively. Other highlights of the week include, but are not limited to:
- Being rewarded the "Cape of Wonder" and a snazzy bag of candies for my work on the theatre crew, namely my overzealous set design.
- Talking about graphic novels and qustioning the existence of hick-hop with my crewmates while painting boards and such.
- Getting to see a book that was printed before 'Murica was a thing, as part of a cool presentation at Open House.
- Going to Teen Pajama Movie Night on Friday and almost crying in front of my peers while watching Big Hero 6. (You try keeping it together when a boy abandons his puffy robot in a portal, pal. It's not a cake walk.)
- Winning a cake at the Open House Cake Walk. (Accidentally great segue.)
- Overall continuing to make friends with people I've been going to school with for up to 10 years.
- Eating said cake.
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