

Hiyah, mortals! I'm Jacob, 16-year-old artist and storyteller of sorts who REALLY wants to work in the animation industry one day. The site you see before you is every odd, awesome and in-between thing in my imagination, and I want to share it with you. Go ahead! Grab the snack food of your choosing, sit down and dive into the JC-Verse! Here's hoping you like it.

Monday, January 27, 2014

#17: The Three Burritos

Here's a new drawing: the Three Burritos. They are the most mouth-watering mariachis in the world. It's Pico, Pablo and Jorge performing at all the local Mexican restaurants and playing their signature song: "burrito me to Miami, burrito to the moon. Burrito to New York, of all places, I want to go to Miami. Hachacha!" (Don't ask me, this idea was all on the Mustache Ninja.)

Friday, January 24, 2014

#16: The Numberians

Okay, here's a new drawing: the Numberians. (Okay math geeks, it's your time now.) They are living numbers that live in the digital domain of the calculator. They battle the evil negative numbers, adding on to each other for bigger numbers and bigger power to fight the negatives with. Who says mathematicians can't kick bootay?!

#15: The Alphabetarians

Okay, here are my new characters: the Alphabetarians. They are letters who live in the flat world of paper. They are the spellers of words in every book, sign and every other thing with words- when they're not playing their national sport of Scrabble, of coarse. Grammar buffs, I hope I've satisfied you.
(Can you spot my cameo as J?)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

#14: MacJaguar

Okay, here's my new character: MacJaguar. He's a funky fresh feline who went from the jungle to the concrete jungle in Los Angeles. Now, he breaks it down on the boulevard as bystanders drop money and various meats in his hat. He's got the moves like jaguar!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

#13: Yah-Man

Okay, here's my new character: Yah-Man (YAH-mohn). He's a chill chimpanzee who lives in the jungles of Jamaica. People and jungle animals come from near and far to hear his drum-playing beats because, as everybody knows, no one can resist musical monkeys. He be jammin' now!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

#12: Io StarTwist

Here's my last character for the day: Io StarTwist. He's an alien from the far away galaxy of Shoobaflex X. When his planet, Spaceeum, got too crowded, he and a few others decided to get into a space ship and go to find a new place to crash. Now he's traveling the galaxy, trying to find a home and seeing the sites with his one eye.

#11: The Ying-Yang

Okay guys, here's my new drawing: the Ying-Yang. I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I don't actually have any story for this one. I just kind of did it for fun because I thought it would be cool looking. All I know is that in theory, if you cut the guy in half, there would be one chill side and the other would be really wackadoo.

#10: M.C. Hammerhead

Okay, here's my latest character: M.C. Hammerhead! He's a chill-gills rap sensation, turning the Pacific Ocean into the Partycific Ocean one rap at a time. His hit song, "HammerheadTime," skyrocketed to the top of the ocean music charts, surpassing Lady BlubBlub's "Pokerfish." Now he travels in his tour submarine, pumpin' it up all over the sea. Pacific siyyyyde!

Friday, January 17, 2014

#9: Mr. Myfolliclez & The Mustache Factory

Do you know the mustache man, the mustache man, the mustache man. Do you know the mustache man, he run the fac-to-ry. Yah!
Okay, here's a new character: Mr. Myfolliclez. He's the big man in charge at the Mustache Factory, the biggest producer of mustaches, but that's not all. Beards. Unibrows. Goatees. If it's hairy and on your face, they've got it. Just order it up and it will arrive at your doorstep, ready to be attached to you. The Mustache Factory: your beard is their biz.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

#8: Tom Foolery

Okay, here's my latest character: Tom Foolery, A.K.A Cupid's 3rd cousin twice removed. Seriously, he's been removed twice for stuff I probably shouldn't mention. He flies around shooting people in the butt with silliness arrows, instead of love arrows. These arrows will make you do ALL sorts of ridiculous stuff. So, don't be surprised if you feel a pain in your heine and next thing you know, your eating a shoe.

#7: S.B. Meta

Okay, before I start, I would like to tell you that apparently I'm very popular in Malaysia. Who KNEW? Anyway, here's my new character: S.B. Meta from the 3rd Dimension, home of the Juppies. Okay guys, try to wrap your minds around this one, it's based on something from Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. There's a theory that there are different dimensions for each choice a person has to make. So, the 3rd Dimension is a version of Earth where this couple in India had a kid named S.B. Meta. In our dimension, they had no kid. S.B. Meta was born in India and later moved to the U.S.A in the 1920's. There, he used his huge intellect to revolutionize the '20s. He made Hypocules, the Juppies, and tons more. So, he made the past like the future. PSHOO! Mind blow.

Friday, January 10, 2014


Hey, everyone. This is a poster for the first of the Food Wars movies (not to be confused with the cooking show on Great American Country of the same name), A Chew Hope, The BEST food-related science fiction film of all! And the only one....for now.

#6: Genghis Converse

Okay, here's my new character: Genghis Converse. He's a tennis shoe tyrant that resides on Mt. Sketcherest with his army of high-top henchmen. But there's something else you need to know: He's Foo-Man Shoe's left shoe! Long ago, the pair were mere students studying the art of Kung Shoe. But alas, Genghis drifted to the violent side of Kung Shoe, while Foo-Man focused on the wisdom side. The brothers split apart, becoming enemies. Watch out for Genghis, for he is an evil sneak!(er.)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

#5: Ice Creamdu

Here's a new character: Ice Creamdu, another installment in the Food Wars series! He's a stone-cold Cold Stone jedi and one of the main council members back in the Eatpublic. When Pie-Gon Jinn brought young Anakin to the council, Creamdu sensed anger in him. Guess they all should've listens, huh? Even though Pulpatine fatally forks-threw him out of a drive-thru window, Creamdu was nonetheless an amazing jedi - and master of chocolatey deliciousness. Mmmm.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

#4: The Most Interesting Baby in The World

Okay, here's my new character: the most interesting baby in the world. When he was born, he came out in a snazzy tux. The Wiggles watch HIM on TV. His dirty diaper sells for $500.00 on Ebay. He is..... the most interesting baby in the world. He doesn't usually read (mostly because he can't yet). But when he does, he'll read "Jacob's Characterz." (Hilarious AND free advertising!)

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Hey, everybody. I've got some big news: the comment section is NOW open! Now you can post messages straight to yours truly - and guys, keep it clean & positive. I'm 12 years old, here.

Friday, January 3, 2014

#2 & 3: Emperor Pulpatine & Grand Moff Napkin

Here's my two new characters: Emperor Pulpatine and Grand Moff Napkin. In the Food Wars universe, the biggest of evil is the despicable citrus, Pulpatine. Back in his youth, he forked his mysterious meaty master, Darth Stakeueis. Now, he sits in the Donut Star, zapping people with his forks lightning. At his and Darth Tater's side is Grand Moff Napkin. Things aren't so hot for the napkins in the Food Wars universe. They're slaves to foodkind, always having to clean up everyone's messes. So one day, Grand Moff Napkin had enough and went to work for the evil Darth Tater. Not a smart idea, if you think about it, since now he's just cleaning up Tater's messes.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

#11: Shato

Okay, here's my new character: Shato (to be whispered when said). Who is he, you ask? No one. No, literally, he's actually no one. Nobody knows who he is or where he came from. He's everywhere, but nowhere. He's a freaky little enigma! But why is he #11, not #2 in the series? Well, if you go way back to where #11 would have been in the 2013 collection, there ISN'T any. That's because you never see him. His post might have been there the whole time and you just never noticed!

#1: Foo-Man Shoe

Okay everyone, this is the first character in the 2014 collection and I'm starting with a bang. Ladies and gentlemen, Foo-Man Shoe! This Confucius footwear resides in the mystical oasis known as ShangraLaces. He knows all, sees all, and feels all. He ain't your casual Converse, kids! Ask him any question and he can answer it. Knowledge is his sole purpose. Ha ha. Pun. (P.S. the idea for this character is property of the Mustache Ninja. A.K.A, my sister.)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Hey, everyone. So, things didn't go exactly as planned with the whole "100 characters in 2013" thing. So now that it's 2014, I'm starting over from #1 with a whole new series that will have approximately 97% more !AWESOME! then before! So get ready everyone because this time, I'm gonna get to 100! (And don't worry. This time I won't take a six month break.)

Cool Blue Outer Glow Pointer