(Shout out to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns Batman for initially inspiring this guy's bold-logo'd, bulky look.) |
I know it's necessary, but school leading up to a big test is kind of like an alien parasite. It latches onto you, drains you of life and energy, and reanimates what's left of you to do the cruel exercises it so desires. But thankfully, I am close to prying it from my skull with a mighty crowbar. And that crowbar's name is Friday. So, with the weekend almost upon us, I am finally given some time to sit down and post a fellow I wanted to have posted by Monday. Ladies and gentlemen, my newest character: Superio Sebaster! For every nutjob in existence, there are at the least 10 other nutjobs to act as his/her followers. This seems like a fitting place for a Trump joke, but I feel the Orange One is a bit old hat in the chuckles department at this point. Anyway, this rule of nutjobbery applies nontheless to the JC-Verse, and one shining example is Superior Sebaster of TrueTerra. While most of the population welcomed Fantastical Lifeforms like
Zowie and the
Juppies when they arrived, hardcore religious man Sebaster saw them as a plague on mankind. He believed that this planet was intended for us warm-blooded homo sapiens and us alone, and that such a forthcoming of odd otherworldy creatures occuring here was a sign of something bad. Like, the end of the world as we know it. And he was not feeling fine. *baddum crash* (Anyone? No? Okay then). Well, wrathful and ready to react, he slapped on a fancy blue tactical uniform, took to an uninhabited island off the West Coast, and set up shop. He proclaimed the place TrueTerra, a home for those who wish to follow him in maintaining a "pure" human society with him as its "Superior", or leader. Sure enough, a whole busload of fellow paranoia peeps joined him, and the society of TrueTerra is now a serious thing in the JC-Verse, sometimes even going volatile and sending small "Terran" task forces out to spread their message and exterminate high-profile FLs. Man. Some pretty heavy stuff. Cue Doc Brown:
There's always a time for a suitable Doc Brown gif :)
ReplyDeleteBrilliant drawing, by the way. It looks like an actual character from a comic book or some sort of animated film. Great job!
Thanks a bunch, Cindy. =)
ReplyDelete. . . And very much agreed regarding the great Emmett Brown. XD