Now that I've given you about enough time to recover from Big Smitty Gibbs, I thought I'd introduce you to something new I've been working on: Marvel, Earth 600. I've been seeing a lot of fan-made AUs out there recently, like Super Family and that one where
Guardians is actually a tabletop RPG played by the Avengers. So I thought I'd give it a shot and totally twist up some famous heroes. Maybe I can get this reality accepted by the society of crazy fangirls/fanboys out there. Who knows.
- B.R.U.C.E/The Hulk: a humanoid android created by best friends and child prodigies Amadeus Cho and Rick Jones. After gaining artificial intelligence, it gave itself upgrades, so that it could transform into a big metal "hulk" of a monster when enraged.
- Tonyn Starakk/ The Iron Man: a metallic-skinned alien from the planet Metallius. He was sent to Earth to save the human race from fellow Metallian and space terrorist Ultron Ultraron, who was coming to attack them. Later, after getting married, he has a child whom he names Vision.
- Stephen Strange: a teenage misfit with mystical powers he's had since birth. He is chosen by Yao the Ancient One to train at his academy for young mystics. There, Strange trains with his new friend Jon Wong and new crush Clea, while also getting the Ancient One's help in uncovering the origin of his powers.
More coming soon if this is well-received by you fellow internet-dwellers. Farewell.
The Hulk |
The Iron Man |
Strange |
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