

Hiyah, mortals! I'm Jacob, 16-year-old artist and storyteller of sorts who REALLY wants to work in the animation industry one day. The site you see before you is every odd, awesome and in-between thing in my imagination, and I want to share it with you. Go ahead! Grab the snack food of your choosing, sit down and dive into the JC-Verse! Here's hoping you like it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

#97: Smart Alek

Hey, guys. I am now being followed by Garth himself, Dana Carvey, on Twitter! Dana, if you're reading this.......SHE CHOPPING BROCCOLI!!!!!! Now, here's my new character: Smart Alek! Ever wonder where the expression "smart aleck" comes from? Well, grab some Pringles, sit down and let me enlighten you. Smart Alek is actually the cruel, crazy-craniumed dictator of the Chajascaki (CHAH-HAH-ZAH-KEE) Dimension. With access to 95% of his brain power, he hasn't had to use his hands in all of his 1,800-year-life, except to point to the kind of animal print he wanted on his hoverthrone. Feared by all Chajascakians, he flies around his kingdom, snarling and sporting his "Honk if you want to be disintegrated" bumber sticker. He's got a big head. Literally and figuratively.

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